Monday, September 30, 2019

Qualities I Look for in My Friend

qualities I look for in friends Friends are an indispensable factor in our live, just as a main dish in a meal. Frankly, I have a lot of friends. Yet, I don’t know whether they are sincere or just hypocritical. Sometimes, I can’t really figure out. But still, I or should I say everyone, wishes to have friends with good qualities. According to what William Penn says:† A true friend freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably. † Penn tries to say that a real and a good friend have a tangible qualities, which every friend look for it on his/her friend.To be honest, trusted, attentive, and funny is qualities I look for when I choose my friend. First, I want a loyal friend. Someone who is honest enough with me. I mean is just tell me frankly what they think about me that can help me to change myself into a better person. Someone who stab me in the front. Who never lie a t me and never drawn a second face. An honest friend lend me the confidence when I lost. Or even can help me to do the right thing not the wrong one. The honesty is a big deal to me in the friend I will choose. Second, trusted is also important as much as honesty in my friend quality.I mean someone who keeps my secrets. Or even can be my secret. However, It is not funny but ironic when someone that I used to trust and call her ‘good friend’ leave me or betray me when I needed her the most. It is extremely painful! It might make me feel like I have taken advantage of, deceived or backstabbed. In conclusion, being my friend mean be my secret. Third, a friend should have to be attentive as well. My friend should share his/her life with me as well as I will do. A friend should never weigh the benefits before helping someone.That is super good when a good friend lends a helping hand in times of need and the extra support gives us a lift spiritually. Related to above, I want to have such a good friend like this but in order to have one, I know I have to be one. In conclusion being attentive is an important quality I ordered in my friend. Last and not least, funny friend could also be important to me. In other meaning funny but good. Someone who see me in need to smile do anything to draw it on my face. Someone who smile a real smile not fake. Moreover, being funny is an unmistakable quality in a friend. friend who tells a funny jocks could also be a good one to have. Finally, I hope my friends will be able to listen of my joys and sorrows patiently and not give any judgments or comments. In conclusion, â€Å"Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies†Ã‚  according to Aristotle. So that, the qualities should be matched to make that relationship. And for me being my friend mean having qualities I missed, so we can complete each other. Meanwhile, Not just anyone can be called your friend. A friend has to first meet several qualifications and have many outstanding characteristics to have the honor of holding such a prestigious title.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Position Paper (Education) on Philosophy Essay

The word education is defined as the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life, it is also an art of teaching; pedagogics. Education signify the activity, process, or enterprise of educating or being educated and sometimes to signify the discipline or field of study taught in different schools of education that concerns itself with this activity, process and training. Education has many roots, and since the beginning of man, it has been started and knowledge developed and had been passed from one generation to another. Every generation, it is somehow passed on its stock of values, traditions, methods and skill. The passing on of culture is also known as enculturation and the learning of social values and behaviors is socialization. The history of the curricula of such education reflects history itself, the history of knowledge, beliefs, skills and cultures of man. It is somehow complex because it started with survival and then man paints his own ideas as he travels in life and explore what could be done. He then finds himself being curious and begins finding answers to his questions. One example are the findings of archaeologist who studied the past and came to know different kinds of human activities and cultures, in the caves, based on artifacts, they come to know that people start to draw, write symbols which later was translated and was believed that somehow, man came to learn by himself and knowledge is passed on, their practices somehow gave contribution in our life today, in reading, writing, speaking which is related to education. In pre-literate societies, education was carried out orally and through observation. The young first learned informally from their parents, extended family and grandparents as simple as first steps in reading and writing. At later stages they received instruction of a more structured and formal nature, like the school, imparted by people not necessarily related, in the context of initiation, religion or ritual. There are many forms of education, and it has only one goal: to develop knowledge. Let’s take Philosophical education; it is the process of education or the philosophy of the discipline of education. It is part of the discipline in the sense of being concerned with the articulation, desideratum, arrangement, or results of the process of educating or being educated; or it may be metadisciplinary in the sense of being concerned with the concepts of the discipline, it also aims to investigate the educational significance of philosophy. It all started with the birth of philosophy, in the place of Greece and was spread worldwide. All cultures in all forms; prehistoric, medieval, or modern; Eastern, Western, religious or secular have their own unique schools of philosophy, arrived through both inheritance and through independent discovery. Such theories have flourished from different premises and approaches, examples of which include rationalism (any view appealing to reason as a source of knowledge or justification), empiricism (theory of knowledge that asserts that knowledge comes only or primarily from sensory experience.) and even through leaps of faith, hope and inheritance. There may be different kinds of philosophical school, but the goal is to understand the development of philosophical ideas through time. Philosophy of education as such does not describe, compare, or explain any enterprises to systems of education, past or present; except it is concerned with the tracing of its own history, it leaves such delving to the history and sociology of education. Analytical philosophy of education is the logical positivist principle that there are no any specifically philosophical truths and that the basis of philosophy is the logical resolution of thoughts. This may be contrasted with the traditional foundationalism, which considers philosophy as a special, elite science that investigates the fundamental reasons and principles of everything. As an outcome, many analytic philosophers have considered their exploration as continuous with, or subordinate to, those of the natural sciences. It is meta to the discipline of education–to all the inquiries and thinking about education. It comprehends of its task as that of analysis: the definition of educational concepts like teaching, indoctri nation, trait, and ability, and including the concept of education itself. * BODY Philosophical education was traditionally developed by philosophers for example, Aristotle, Augustine, and John Locke Jean Jacques Rousseau, as part of their philosophical systems, in the context of their ethical theories. * Plato Plato’s allegory of the cave in his most important work, the Republic wherein he conceives the following vision: prisoners are chained in such a way that they face the dark and back part of the cave. They have been there for a long time and are like doomed and had nothing to do and has no perception in life. They can see nothing but themselves. They see only shadows of some certain stuff cast by a fire that burnt in a ledge above and behind them which they had no care about, between the fire and the prisoners is a wall line path alon g which people walk carrying vases alongside, they hear echoes of voices. Socrates then supposes that a prisoner is freed and permitted to stand up and explore the cave. Now, he is forced up the â€Å"steep and rugged ascent† (Plato’s allegory of education) and brought outside the sunlit exterior world. But the light blinds him. He must first look at the shadows of the trees, then at the mountains. Finally, he is able to see the sun itself. We are like the prisoners in the cave, still in the darkness not educated and are not yet philosophers. It’s like the cave is our confined world and we are still on our own selves and not merely had explored the outside bright world for our development, and inside the cave we see shadows, hear voices like there is a chaos going on we only implement fear, fear of exploring our own world and its vast approach to us. We are like prisoners in our own life which has no particular benefit to us, we can never attain real knowledge if we do not explore. The journey out the cave is said to be the philosophical education and the prisoner who was unchained is the kind of person who ought to be educated because he explored and find out what is behind the light, he has attained warmth and truth. Through this, one can conclude that most of the human beings would rather live a comfortable, happy and familiar life, than a life full of obstacles and pain, which would ultimately lead them to the â€Å"larger truths of life†. Man is contended with the â€Å"consensus reality†, i.e. the reality agreed by all, even if it is as imaginary and as unreal as the shadows on the walls of the cave man is also contended that they have the security of a family, of a society, of religion around them. However, according to Plato, there will come one questioner, one philosopher, from time to time, who will critically look at himself and the world around him, who will wonder why things are the way they are and then will make his own decisions regarding how things should be and that is being open-minded and being curious. * Jean Jacques Rousseau Jean Jacques Rousseau’s view on education differ to those with Plato, The focus of Émile is upon the individual tuition of a boy/young man in line with the principles of ‘natural education’. This focus tends to be what is taken up by later commentators, yet Rousseau’s concern with the in dividual is balanced in some of his other writing with the need for public or national education. Rousseau believed it was possible to preserve the original nature of the child by careful control of his education and environment based on an analysis of the different physical and psychological stages through which he passed from birth to maturity. He also believed we can make good citizens out of training. From the first moment of life, men ought to begin learning to deserve to live; he finds himself reasons why he is living. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1762) Émile (1911 edn.), London: Dent, pp.6. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1762) Émile (1911 edn.), London: Dent, pp.6. Now each of these factors in education is wholly beyond our control, things are only partly in our power; the education of men is the only one controlled by us; and even here our power is largely illusory, for who can hope to direct every word and deed of all with whom the child has to do. Viewed as an art, the success of education is almost impossible since the essential conditions of success are beyond our control. Our efforts may bring us within sight of the goal, but fortune must favor us if we are to reach it. What is this goal? As we have just shown, it is the goal of nature. Since all three modes of education must work together, the two that we can control must follow the lead of that which is beyond our control. * CONCLUSION Education is really vast. I can say that I agree with both philosophers, all of us should be educated for education is the grounds for gaining knowledge and wisdom. It is an important tool that can be used for the success of your future. The more you are educated while you are young, the better chance you’ll have at gaining a successful career. Being educated is being well-informed. Once you have made the decision to attain an education, certain virtues must be possessed. You must be motivated by something, whether it is money, power, or just the desire to learn. It is motivation that drives you to learn new things and to expand your horizons. You must prepare for an education. For everything that you want to know, there is something else you need to know first. It’s like before you can be proficient on a piano you must know music, and before you can be proficient on a computer you must learn to use a keyboard and a mouse before you can dance you should have training grounds. Education is the key to success. * BIBLIOGRAPHY * Phaedo, 82c; and The Republic, book VII, 518d, both in Plato, Complete Works, ed. JohnM.Cooper * Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1762) Émile (1911 edn.), London: Dent, pp.6.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Bread & Roses

Bread & Roses Essay â€Å"It is bread we fight for, but we fight for roses too. † This quote, originally in a poem written by a man named James Oppenheim, embraced a fierce social movement created by large number distraught textile workers who eventually created what we now know as the â€Å"Bread & Roses Strike†. This strike proudly showed the lengths one working under such unruly conditions would go in order to achieve respect, better working conditions, and enough food to feed their families. The book, â€Å"Bread and Roses†, written by Bruce Watson, is a novel concerning textile workers living in Lawrence, Massachusetts in the year 1912. Potential workers flocked to the city of Lawrence to better their lives, many of which soon realized posters and advertisements beckoning them to join in and share the city’s wealth did not prove to be as true as they claimed. Bruce Watson illustrates the working conditions of textile workers during this time period and proves as a reminder that during times of struggle, you gain your rights. Effective January 1, 1912, a new law was passed reducing the numbers of hours one could work. The workers wouldn’t have had a problem with this reduction if there was no cut in pay, but there was. That seemingly small pay cut, for multiple families, proved to become a financial splinter in their lives as they struggled day after day to keep food and warmth circulating throughout their already-small homes. Bread & Roses. (2017, Jan 27).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Performance Management System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Performance Management System - Essay Example Management By Objectives (MBO) is the necessary tool and must form part of the management performance process. Staff reduction is mandatory as the company will not require the staff strength that used to oversee sales and distribution of fruit juices. The PMS is necessary to present management with holistic view of key strategic data to achieve the vision and mission of the company. Information across the company can be collected and used and reused from time to time (Performance Management System for Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company). Label V Enterprises is a merger of Italian soft drink producer Miradola and the British distributor Bottle One Enterprises in 2005. The company struggles to integrate the two divisions of production and distribution but without success. The producers in Italy do not increase the quantity of their output in order to maintain their exclusiveness. They want Label V to be sold only to the best restaurants in the world. On the other hand, the distribution division complains about the inflexibility of production with regard to not only quantities but also product positioning due to the increasing market for "lifestyle" products. The objectives of PMS are to include financial and non-financial measures, focus management activity on key performance indicators, align departmental goals with corporate strategy, link measures throughout the organization, allow senior management to consider all measures together, reflect the company's commitment to customer service, to prevent proliferation of unneeded measures, and to share with as many staff as is necessary (Performance Management System for Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company). The purpose of the PMS is to galvanize the Sales office into decision making department with internal capabilities to coordinate internal activities and also coordinate with other departments as well whenever necessary. McKonsby proposes to initiate a strategy of producing and selling more exclusive products. The margins for these exclusive products are significantly higher than in the mass market for fruit juices. There is the need to integrate MBO with PMS so that the Sales department can begin operations on a more knowledgeable note. The Sales department had started the MBO process earlier on and the Sales Manager is confident of making the right start with a known system. The Performance Management System will measure and monitor, analyze, plan, budget and forecast the Sales department's activities besides collecting information of the company as a whole. This will enable Sales maintain tabs on their activities and meet their targets. It will also enable Sales discuss their needs with other departments as needs arise. Staff Reduction The new process will start with appropriate sales team to manage sales and distribution. The shift to exclusive products will mean change in approach and management of the new clients. The former sales team had ready market and catered to these in sufficient numbers in accordance with the market requirement. This will

Thursday, September 26, 2019

BCA Compliance for atypical location requirements Assignment

BCA Compliance for atypical location requirements - Assignment Example The sustainability, quality and durability of the structure need to be considered. The structure should be in a position to meet the required standards in relation to the location that it is situated. The ability of the building to withstand harsh conditions, withstand frequent harsh conditions without failure are vital to its performance characteristics. The minimal reports on damages during fire, explosions, vibration among other factors make the structure meet the compliance standards. Some of the actions that need consideration for satisfaction are; the loads both live and dead that the structure is exposed to, force of wind, tremors and earthquakes, marshy grounds and snow. In areas prone to bush fires, the class I buildings should be in a position to offer resistance to the bushfires and minimize the risks involved in the loss of lives and building. Exit doors during emergencies should be installed to ease evacuation by the occupants during fire outbreaks. The design and the construction of the structure should allow minimal risks from the bushfire. It should be easily accessible to vehicles to help the fire fighters and the occupants ease of movement during the crisis. The location of the structure need to be in a place with abundant water supply. The fire fighters can also easily access the building and the water source. The bushfire shelters are designed for emergency cases. These structures must be designed in a way that they can be temporarily used for shelter by the victims affected directly or indirectly from the bushfire. Several factors need to be considered during the location of the private bushfire shelters. Analysis of vegetation, buildings within its vicinity and any other materials that are inflammable need consideration during the designing and construction process. The structure should be readily accessible and provide a maximum tenability

Gossip in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Gossip in the Workplace - Essay Example To start with, workplace gossip can have lasting effects and impressions. The workers and employees are best advised to abstain from it so that these gossip conversations do not have lasting effects in the long term. Workplace gossips can turn pretty ugly at times since the informal ‘grapevine’ network present within an organization spreads very quickly and no one can actually stop rumors as well as true stories from being shared openly. Continuing further, the causes of workplace gossips are that the small conversations which are held between two employees are spread to other workers working within the organization if the conversation is overheard by another individual who also works in that organization. (Heller, 1998) It is also possible that one of these two people might tell others who would further tell the remaining staff that is working within the organization and hence the gossip can turn really nasty at the end. With more and more informal gossips in the workplace, it is suggested that the employees are not concentrating properly on their assigned tasks and the bosses take particular note of this fact. They mention these points to the employees who like to gossip a lot and also warn them from time to time so that the gossip within the workplace is reduced drastically. The effects of this workplace gossip are that the employees have a bad image within the organization and they are not taken in high esteem. They are also told of concentrating on their own duties rather than wasting their times on having useless gossips all the time. (Drumheller, 2006) Workplace gossips also mean that the employees have lost a lot of interest in their work and they do not find their job challenging enough. The employers should provide comfort to these types of employees by changing their job nature or making their job focus a bit more different. They can also be delegated work in a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Paramedic science degree (Medical) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Paramedic science degree (Medical) - Essay Example Hence, her doctor advised bariatric surgery six months ago. Her initial surgery led to a 5% weight loss within the first two months of the gastric banding surgery. She was encouraged by results and so she requested for the biliopancreatic diversion without duodenal switch. This procedure also helped her lose more weight. Her third request for surgery is being considered by her physician due to dependency concerns. Her physician, as well as the rest of the medical team believes that she has become dependent on bariatric surgeries and they are reluctant to encourage or feed such dependency. When confronted with such concern, she insisted that she has not become dependent on the surgeries and that this was the last surgery she would take to help her lose weight. Despite medical advice, she insists that she needs the gastric stimulation surgery in order to effectively help her lose more weight. Feelings (What was I thinking and feeling?) While caring for the bariatric patient who was bec oming dependent on our services, I felt that we needed to put an end to her dependency. The bariatric surgery during the earliest stages of her diabetes is an effective means of reducing her weight. In a study by Dixon, (2005, p. 472), the authors were able to establish that bariatric surgery done at the earliest stages of diabetes is very much beneficial to patients because it helps reduce and manage their weight and successively help them achieve better results in their diabetes management. Two bariatric surgeries however, are more than sufficient for the current patient to gradually and safely lose weight; and allowing the third surgery to proceed would also be akin to enabling her dependence. I could sense that her demeanour and attitude about the surgeries were based on the concept that the surgeries can be easily availed of and it was her right to demand said services. I felt that her dependence on bariatric surgeries must be stopped and the services to be offered to he r must be based on her health maintenance – not on more bariatric surgeries. In a study by Kushner (2000, p. 126), the authors emphasized the importance fulfilling the essential caloric intake from the limited food intake allowable after gastric banding. This should be focused on by the patient – not the need for more surgeries. Evaluation (What was good and bad about the experience?) What was good about the experience was that I learned to detect signs of dependence in patients. I was able to assess the patient’s behaviour and attitude about the surgery and to determine whether these symptoms were indicative of dependence. The experience also taught me how to deal with patients and their dependence. Normally, I would have given in to a patient’s requests; and, this experience taught me to how to therapeutically refuse a patient’s requests or demands. Therapeutically refusing a patient is not simply about refusing a patient’s requests, but i t is also about making oneself available to respond to the patient’s emotional needs (Austin, 2010, p. 483). What was bad about the experience was that we had limited options for the patient in terms of psychological or mental health assistance. We knew that she was going through some mental health issues which affected her determination to lose weight. As health professionals, we could have provided more counselling for her in order to ensure that she would be able to deal with the emotional challenges of her obesity and to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Modern Dance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Modern Dance - Research Paper Example Dance is part of every society’s practice and is the barometer of livelihood in America. Dance capturers an array of aspects that include social-political issues; fundamental in the spiritual realm; preservation of culture and social interactions. The spirit of independence, taking risks, experimentation of new ideas and persistence are some of the aspect that assists in making modern dance. This form of dance has an irreplaceable touchstone and a national wealth. It is primarily occasioned because of a wide range of movement vocabularies, choreographic impulses and social-cultural issues (Martin, John, 1989). Since early 1990, during the debut of American modern dance, citizens show immense support for the dance. Consequently, United States of America exports the culture abroad by using it as an important ambassador. The dance passes from one generation to the next through a series of new works of danced. Generational rebellion against mentors induces innovation and in the process the dance is preserve. Modern dance is a continually evolving desire to understand and share the potential of human movements (Martin, John, 1989). As a result modern dance cannot take a neat definition. However, the origin of American modern dance is traced from the concepts of idealism and rebellion. Therefore, utopian notions of the liberty of the body and character, and the desire for self-expression guide the direction take by modern dance in America. American people credit the beginning of modern dance to Isadora Duncan (1877-1927). As a result of amateurish kinds of ballet spectacles and famous entertainments known to Americans, Isadora reacted against the moves (Anderson & Janet, 2004). Consequently, Duncan unleashed a natural way of movement by elevating dance to a serious form of art that expresses ideas and emotions (Duncan, Isadora, and Sheldon Cheney. 1928). Many pictures of Duncan’s dresses document her while running barefoot,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Avon Inc. Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Avon Inc. Company - Case Study Example The first phase is known of p, which involves various activities. A number of aspects are considered in the assessment 360 degrees assessment theory. First is the process of getting into preparation of the changes expected or unexpected in the organization’s operations. The second phase is to explore and understand details concerned with alternatives to be put in place. The third set a common mind among all the individuals involved in the organization’s operations. Lastly is the process of changing the leadership and talents for the employees and leaders of the company to achieve the desired profits. The 360 degrees assessment model focus on the performances of the staff and the changes that can made in the organization (Srividhya, 2007). The choices of talents program, employee promotions, and major talent events are affected by the personal skills and the self-drive towards an objective set by the organization. Partners and the managers of organizations have no capabi lity to predict or answer questions related to the outcomes of any change enforced on the operations, leave alone the human resource because management is just a part of the success of the organization and the best way to improve the profits is by the practice of changing the different talent management skills, which the company enforced to place (Darnton, 2008).The case study presents various occasions that led to the recognition of the 360 degrees assessment model for change theory. The change of management performance and consequent plans.... The first phase is known of p, which involves various activities. A number of aspects are considered in the assessment 360 degrees assessment theory. First is the process of getting into preparation of the changes expected or unexpected in the organization’s operations. The second phase is to explore and understand details concerned with alternatives to be put in place. The third set a common mind among all the individuals involved in the organization’s operations. Lastly is the process of changing the leadership and talents for the employees and leaders of the company to achieve the desired profits. The 360 degrees assessment model focus on the performances of the staff and the changes that can made in the organization (Srividhya, 2007). The choices of talents program, employee promotions, and major talent events are affected by the personal skills and the self-drive towards an objective set by the organization. Partners and the managers of organizations have no capabi lity to predict or answer questions related to the outcomes of any change enforced on the operations, leave alone the human resource because management is just a part of the success of the organization and the best way to improve the profits is by the practice of changing the different talent management skills, which the company enforced to place (Darnton, 2008). The case study presents various occasions that led to the recognition of the 360 degrees assessment model for change theory. The change of management performance and consequent plans for success in the Avon product company indicate the need to achieve the expected results in a consistent way characterized by transparency. The company applied this

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Greek Myths and English Language Essay Example for Free

Greek Myths and English Language Essay Abstract: Do you know Achilles Heel? Its an allusion from Greek myths. Instances like this are not difficult to find in English language. They are terse and vivid because of Greek myths and legends behind them. Therefore, they enjoy popular use. But these words and phrases are peculiar to the native culture and language, they appear exotic to foreign learners. So lets share some words and idioms which are relevant to Greek myths in view of knowing the ins and outs of them and understanding how to apply them. In the meanwhile, they can help you understand English history and English culture more thoroughly and deep and taste the wisdom and humor of the English people. Key words: relationship, Greek myths, English language, English idioms  Once the Republican supporter made comments on Clintons scandal, A misbehaving president is regarded as a governments Achilles heel and is expected to resign.  What is Achilles heel? If you dont know it, you will not understand the meaning of the supporters comments. The idiom means the weak or vulnerable point of a person, organization and country, etc. which comes from Greek myths. The story is about Achilles, one of the Greek heroes in the Iliad. When he was a child, he was taken by his mother Thetis and dipped in the river Styx to make him invulnerable. The water washed every part of his body expect the heel in his mothers hand. It was precisely at his vulnerable point that Achilles was later killed in Trojan battle. Greek mythology is a set of legends about the gods, heroes, natural events and universal history of Hellenic civilization. The myths of Greece mostly come from Hellenic literature such as Homers Iliad, Hesiods Theogony and Sophocles drama. From the Renaissance to now, Greek Myths is one of their required courses when the English people receive classical education. These stories and myths are so enjoyable that they impress themselves upon the English. Therefore the myths of Greece become the abundant supply of English language. Lets take Europe for instance. Sometimes it is also called Europa, which originally comes from Greek Mythology. In it, Europa is a princess who is abducted and carried off by a white bull to Crete, the cradle of Hellenic civilization. And the bull is actually Zeus, king of the Gods. In the same way, Paris is a persons name also from Greek myths. Paris is the son of the King of Troy. These two are place names. And the main characters from Greek mythology also appear in everyday speech. For instance, a huge or heroic task is said to herculean. This is in tribute to the Greek mythological hero Hercules. And when you talk about a book of maps, atlas will occur to you. It is named after Atlas, a titan who supported the heavens on his shoulders. Heres one you are probably familiar with it. Its the word promethean which describes a daringly creative or defiantly original act, because of the Titan Prometheus, who defied the wrath of Zeus and stole fire in order to benefit humankind. And another word you may have used before without realizing your debt to Greek mythology. The word panic comes from Pan, the God of shepherds. Pan was always considered to be the cause of the sudden fear especially in lonely places. Thats why its called panic. Then more attention will be paid to the relationship between Greek myths and English idioms. Idioms consist of set phrases and short sentences, which are loaded with the native cultures and ideas. Therefore, there are a great deal of idioms are relevant to the myths of Greece. And these idioms are not easy to understand from its literal meanings, for example, Greek gift. Does it mean a gift made in Greece? Of course not, it symbolizes a dangerous gift. But as they are colourful, blunt, expressive and impressive, they form an important part of the English vocabulary and are now used in different situations. So I will share some of them with you in view of giving you the background of them. As defined by famous psychologist Sigmund Freud, Oedipus complex is the unconscious desire of a young child for sexual intercourse with the parent of the opposite sex, especially between boys and their mothers. The source of this complex is from the Greek legend of King Oedipus. Oedipus was the son of King Laius of Thebes, a city in Greece. There was a Apollos oracle predicted that he would killed his father and marry his mother. So when he was born his father Laius bound his feet together and had exposed him on a lonely mountaintop where it must soon starve. Then the poor infant was rescued by a shepherd and raised by Polybus, King of Corinth. And he was called Oedipus. Years later, Oedipus, too, like Laius, thought to make it impossible for the oracle to come true and resolved never to see Polybus. But on his journey he unwittingly killed King Laius with whom he quarreled. He arrived at Thebes shortly thereafter and saved the city from the ravages of the Sphinx. He was proclaimed king in Laius stead, and he took the dead kings widow, Jocasta, as his own wife. After several years a terrible plague struck Thebes. The Apollo declared that the plague would be stayed upon one condition: whoever had murdered King Laius must be punished. In the course of his investigation, Oedipus discovered that he himself was the killer and that Laius had been his real father. Finally he couldnt act against the decrees of fate. In his despair at this discovery, Oedipus blinded himself. Girls have a similar sexual desire for the father which is repressed in analogous fashion and is called Electra complex. It also comes from Greek mythology. Electra is the daughter of Agamemnon, the king who led the Greeks against Troy in the Trojan War. To obtain favorable winds for the Greek fleet sailing to Troy, Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to the goddess Artemis and so came under a curse. After he returned home victorious, he was murdered by his wife, Clytemnestra, and her lover. To avenge his fathers death, Electra helped her brother kill their mother and her lover. The allusion also comes from the Greek legend of King Oedipus. The Sphinx is winged monster having the head and breasts of a woman and body of a lion. She lay in wait for the wayfarers along the roads to Thebes and whoever she seized she put a riddle to, telling him if he could answer it, she would let him go. No one could, and the horrible creature devoured man after man until the city was in a state of siege. And at that time, Oedipus heard what was happening in Thebes in his lonely wanderings. He was a homeless, friendless man to whom life meant little and he determined to seek the Sphinx out and try to solve the riddle. What creature, the Sphinx asked him, goes on four feet in the morning, on two at noonday, on three in the evening? Man, answered Oedipus. In childhood he creeps on hands and feet; in manhood he walks erect; in old age he helps himself with a staff. It was the right answer. The Sphinx, inexplicable, but most fortunately, killed herself. The Thebans were saved. It is so called Sphinxs riddle which means difficult problems. And Sphinx is also used to describe an enigmatic person. The following are a few examples in actual uses.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How Technology Has Affected Teaching

How Technology Has Affected Teaching The unknown is full of fear. Technology can be a scary thing. Teaching can be a mind-blowing thing. If one is, the combination of all three is something that is only seen in schools today. Teaching with technology is a paralyzing fear that all teachers face on some level. With only a few hours available outside of the classroom, training is not available to all teachers. Such fear of the unknown and unavailable training, cause many teachers to reject technology on a wide scale. There has been technology the dawn of time. Technology 200 years ago meant nothing to do with electricity. It could be simply as a lever and pulley system for automatic door opening at Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson. Technology has always scared people as it is something new and unfamiliar to them. What people see as fancy technology today will only be a thing that the next generation is used to and feels is old. When the printing press was first invented by Johann Guttenberg the aristocracy was afraid of what the new machine would mean for the disseminating of information amongst the people. In the end they learned how to use it and took advantage of its abilities themselves. Adaptations have been made and new technology has been invented since, but the principle is still the same. Copy machines, fax machines, and scanners all use the same idea behind the machine. If you ask a student today to use a typewriter to write their paper and then type another copy for themselves they would look at you like your crazy. They would either write it on a computer and just print another copy or run to a copy machine. When it comes to finding the information that they use in their papers, students in the past decade have turned to the internet in increasing numbers. Students in college feel that libraries are a place to access the internet and a quiet place to study, not to look up information in the books that are on the shelves. The Dewey Decimal system in cataloging books has gone to the way side in favor of online version of texts that students can access. In its early stages, the internet was more or less just a collect of text based documents without the capability to display images or video files. Just as with any technology, the internet continues to evolve. With websites such as YouTube ©, Facebook ©, and Twitter © teachers have a wide variety of places to look up information and supplements to their lessons. However some sites have been criticized for the information they contain. Wikipedia is one site that when it first started was a place to allow people to post information about any topic that people could then look up all in one place. But along with new topics, people were changing the information that was already on the site with incorrect information. It was not until the death of actor Heath Ledger that the creators of the often cited source began to change how information was updated. While the site still allows most information to update without review, information about persons of high interest and information ab out government policies and laws must be approved before they are posted online. The majority of teachers do not think about technology they use on a daily basis. From their cars to get to school or their smart phones to access their email from parents, teachers use technology and the internet to make themselves a better educator. Problem Statement There is not much research available to how the internet has affected researching in teaching. While there is a plethora of information on teacher perspectives of technology and an abundance of articles dealing with the internet in schools, not much information is available to how teachers have changed their teaching style in dealing with any kind of research their students conduct. There is a varying degree to which teachers approach the internet now. From subject to subject, students are faced with different styles. If there was guide for all classes, students would be able to go to each class and know how to conduct research in a proper manner that all their teachers would accept. Research Statement In this phenomenological study, I will interview for Northern Virginia high school teachers on how the research process changes for them with the growth and availability of the internet. Significance of the Study With more and more school systems pushing for teachers to use technology, some teachers are weary in how it affects their students. The No Child Left Behind Law has forced teachers to address how they introduce material to their students. While the internet has been used by students to conduct research, it now the teachers that have become the students in an attempt to understand what their students are looking up and how they can use it in their classroom. But how has the internet changed how teachers address research? This study is seeking to determine to what extent a variety of teachers have done in an attempt to address their student quest for an education. Chapter 2 Review of Literature The unknown is full of fear. Technology can be a scary thing. Teaching can be a mind-blowing thing. If one is, the combination of all three is something that is only seen in schools today. Teaching with technology is a paralyzing fear that all teachers face on some level. With only a few hours available outside of the classroom, training is not available to all teachers. Such fear of the unknown and unavailable training, cause many teachers to reject technology on a wide scale. Technology in the Classroom Honey, Culp, and Craig (1999) gave a perspective in a paper they presented at a national conference, on where technology and educational research are heading. Based on their research, they found three main factors that made them think differently. The first dealt with the nature of technological elements. The second was the kinds of things that were being asked in research. The third one they mentioned was how the research itself was being done. The main focus of their research was Union City, New Jersey. In 1989, the school was failing almost all of the standards that the state uses to judge schools on their performance. In fact they only passed eight of the 52 that are stated. To face these, they went through a massive overhaul including extending class periods and increasing the in-services required for its teachers. Amongst these improvements, computers were added to each classroom to assist in learning. All of these as well as those in the local city office building, libraries, and others were joined by computer. After a few years of studying this school system, they determined that the technology that was brought in had the largest impact on the students. It bolstered several successes including those with creativity and the whole language approach. While new teachers are familiar with this information, Ertmer, Addison, Lane, Ross, and Woods (1999) examine what teachers believe the role of technology should be in the classroom. This study focused more on the elementary school level. Even with increased technology including smart boards and one if not more computers available in each room it is still hard for teachers to feel comfortable working with the new fancy equipment. While some felt that they did not want to teach with technology, some just felt that things were fine and nothing new had to be done. They found that the teachers they interviewed, observed, and surveyed mentioned on some level that technology supported what they were doing in the classroom. Some made references to the use of technology in regards to how it enhances their current curriculum, but any use beyond that is not being used. There were minimal references to any emerging technologies. One teacher described that she found that students were more likely to work in pairs and groups on assignments. When the eight teachers were asked what were their reasons were for using technology, student benefits were near or at the top of all the lists. While there were a number of other benefits, some of the teachers mentioned that several metaphorical barriers were present. They found that time was a big factor in how much technology they use. While once programs and other equipment is running, it makes several things run faster and smoother, the time it takes to make sure it runs properly can out-weigh the benefits. While the teachers faced the barriers, they found several ways to work around them through local college and community support. One of these ways is in parental support for teaching children about technology earlier. Bergen (1999) interviewed an 8th grader on how she views technology in the classroom. Kristen, the student, was raised on computer that were manly used for games that were made to be educational only. While she was in elementary school, a new computer lab was built and allowed her access to more programs. However, it was not until middle school that she was able to use computers more to help with reports and find icons to place in reports. They also found that many teachers were starting to increase use of technology as more and more attention was brought on individualism and the diverse programs available encouraging students to work harder. It is up to the individual teacher to foster creativity and help their pupils become better students. In a U.S. Department of Education study (2005), teachers were asked on their perspectives on technology available to them. Technology that could reach beyond the classroom ranked at the top of a list of technologies teachers felt were the most useful for them. Computers that had internet access were 68% the most essential amongst all teachers. Based on their 2000-01 survey, only 57% felt that the technology that they had was sufficient. That is just within the school. Only four percent said the same thing when it came to technology in the individual classroom. While this number has increased over the past five years, it is still lower than what most principals and school district wish they could do. A new wave of technological scare is the cell phone as Burns and Lohenry (2010) discuss in regards to their use in the classroom. With several schools now having policy against cell phones, more and more students are actually having them and secretly using them in the classroom. While it is essential to keep and maintain order in the classroom, student that were surveyed said that they would be more into the lesson if they were going to be able to use their cell phone. A number of professors at the college level have started to allow students to use their cell phones for texting while in class as long as have them on silent or vibrate. Phone calls and texting during a test is still off limits. Mason, Berson, Diem, Hicks, Lee, and Dralle (2000) take on the role of discussing how technology can be used to help prepare social studies teachers. They discuss how teachers are trained in college how to use technology to further their learning, they are often more knowledgeable or willing to learn newer techniques. In a recent National Center for Education Statistics study, 95% of schools and 63% of classrooms are connected to the internet. These schools have made use of the digital archives that many schools are creating to help with social studies research amongst students. One of the issues Mason et al (2000) bring up is the accessibility of inappropriate information. This is taken care of by a number of technological programs that prevent certain sites from being accessed. Some of these include peer to peer sites that allow the trading of music illegally. This is to help students stay on task while also keeping the school safe from legal action. Several programs are discussed that are accessible through online sources that students and teachers use alike to help within the classroom. While technology is important to use, its just as important as training to use it properly. Social Studies of course is not the only subject that is taught. Mathematics is one of almost all schools core subjects as it is used in most other classes. The Wang et al. (2008) article discusses about how effective technology can be in early learning environments. Their study was one of the first on early learning. Many studies deal with middle school and higher levels, while this study dealt with pre-school. While the lessons and the printed materials are still for a younger age, kids were seen using digital cameras, digital microscopes, and digital video recorders. They focus on the supports and what technology can mean to kids. In the age when electronic toys are the strong majority of the market, kids are introduced to electronics at a very young age. They recommend kids be introduced to the proper use of technology at a young age and that all children get an equal and fair access. Li and Ma (2010) take a different approach from the mathematics class point-of-view. They argue that since computer technology had become more popular that is undeniable that its role as an important tool for learning. They discuss some of the encouraging figures including their study in how mathematic scores have increased when teachers use technology. They actually argue that more research is needed to be done from a mathematics point of view. Uses of Internet in the Classroom While the internet is a form of technology, it takes it to a whole new level. The information available to students and teachers is astronomical and some of that unknown is scary to them. Scheuerell (2010) discusses some of the fears of allowing students to use the internet. Some fear that it will make more students work alone. Video games and other electronic devices have forced more students to seclusion. While this is true, they provide evidence that while the student might be at the computer for game console alone, they are often using the internet to play with others via voice-enabled communications. The internet is also used for video chatting which can enable students in different locations to collaborate on assignments. Scheuerell explains that students do better on assignments, even online ones, when they are tasked with interpreting what they have learned, more than just looking up information. They feel that they are part of the work and that it is just not some kind of busy work. Cooperative learning can be done even on a local network and not the full internet. Many colleges and universities have local networks that allow students to use multiple computer s to work on a project and then send to each other. The students that were observed and discussed in the article were tasked with creating a webpage about local history in Missouri. Fear can also be used to welcome in the internet. Bonk (2010) explains that it might take a catastrophe to have how people look at schools in regards to the internet. He goes on to say that Katrina enabled many high school and college students to take classes online from other states and other universities. Indiana University High School is an example of how the internet can be used as a virtual high school. Students who attend this 21st century high school range from rural students to pregnant teenagers. The coursework that is done is the same that would be done at a local school, but for those that are unable to attend on a daily basis for a number of reasons this increases the chance that the student does not get frustrated. Bonk developed 10 methods that are available today. These include e-learning and blended learning to real-time mobility and portability. Digital books, as is discussed, are another step in using new technology in the classroom. With the iPad and Kindle, studen ts are able to access their books all at once, instead of carrying them around in a backpack or in their locker. These devices, especially the iPad, have several other uses including display programs and teaching programs that interact with the students and are more than just words in a textbook. With these, teachers can have an assignment tailored to each individual students needs without having to write or print out several directions or discuss individual directions out loud in front of the entire class. How can all these fears be relieved? Frye, Trathen, and Koppenhaver (2010) discuss the different needs that are met by using internet workshops and blog entries. Internet workshops are when teachers create a research based activity that students use to make a report on a subject. One of the top sites they mention teachers send students to is Teachers are able to help guide students by creating social bookmarks that other students can use to help them, which cultivates the cooperative learning skill. They go into detail on how the internet workshops are built and designed by teachers to use it for more than just the one class, but available for multiple classes the student might have. The other topic they touch on is how the internet is used to keep up-to-date information available. Web-logs or blogs for short, are used along with internet workshops. Teachers can use blogs as journal entries for academic reasons and keep an accurate, detailed record of what the student( s) have been doing. It is not just teachers that need to know how to safely navigate these new technologies. Hardacre (2010) surveyed a number of students on various ways of communicating on the internet. In the early part of the 2000s a strong majority of student said they used MySpace compared to Facebook. Now the numbers have reversed. More and more teachers have begun using Facebook and other internet services to connect with their students. Libraries are increasing the number of computers and other technologies students can use to access the internet. Laptops are the top choice both amongst students and libraries to buy if they had money. But even if you relieve the fear of the use, the ability to use it could be difficult to come by. In the Technology Counts (2010) article, the topics of the problems in using and creating wireless networks are discussed. Connection issues have plagued wireless networks. From people not seeing a signal to slow speeds, wireless has its issues. The article states that if it is difficult for students to connect to a wireless network, they become frustrated; some even more so than what they would have been with paper texts. Networks are also expensive to create. With the number of people who would be accessing them, a good, professional level network is needed to accommodate the bandwidth. These can cost up to $125,000. That is just for the initial costs. A server administrator is needed to maintain and fix issues that arise. While a current staff member can serve this post, it is a full-time job that requires constant maintenance. They also discuss the benefits such as using smart phones to help alleviate some of the issues that the networks have. When the internet is used to such a large extent, that students need the internet to do their research and just function in school. Shiveley and VanFossen (2009) provide an explanation to how much the internet is actually used in the classroom. This literature review provides many sources as references, but states that there just is not much research out there for actual use in the classroom. Most of the material states what it should do and how it should help, but it does not provide detailed information on what teachers are specifically doing in class using the internet. They go on to discuss how in the social studies classroom, the attitude toward the internet is as a source of information only. Many teachers even limit the amount that a student can use as many false sources are on the World Wide Web. The full potential of the internet is not often realized by teachers who are afraid of false information. With many different programs and classroom materials available including WebQuests1 social studies teachers need to learn how much their curriculum can benefit from the internet. Mossbarger (2008) discusses the why the internet has actually become an addiction to some and should be included in textbooks. In his meta-analysis, Mossbarger mentions that more and more children are relying on the internet for social interaction and fail to see or understand the consequences. His data concludes that there are a few textbooks that deal with students and this addiction. The more attention, Mossbarger argues, that is brought to this, the more resources that will become available to treat it. Ratzan (1994) discusses how the problems faced in the earlier stages of the internet are still relevant today. One advantage of working with the internet environment is that things change quickly. One disadvantage of working win the internet environment is that things change quickly (p. 62). He discusses some of the different sources that are available including email and several types of books. These would all be available for students to do research on as a number of free sites are mentioned. There are a number of these that are geared primary toward a particular subject. Gayton (2008) explains the uses of teaching business in regards to the internet. All three of the teachers observed and interviewed, in a interpretive anaylsis found several flaws within uses of the internet. Most demonstrated and stated that the time it takes to create a lesson using the internet is too time consuming for their intended purposes. While being observed, each teacher was engaged in several poor teaching habits in regard to undirected usage. Gayton recommends that teachers, not just business ones get adequate training in use of technology and internet abilities and integrate them into their curriculum as its proven to have a positive impact on their students achievement. Most of the research available today comes from the public school sector. But with an increasing number of students attending private schools, thanks in part to school vouchers and school accountability, the internet has become a hub of information that these parochial schools have begun to incorporate. Gibbs, Dosen, Guerrero (2008) provide examples on how technology is used at the private school level, outside the money and restrictions of the public school systems. Their surveys concluded that while a few teachers use technology in different ways, for the most part Catholic school teachers used it very little. There is no church doctrine restricting what technology can be used, just on what information can/should be accessed. An overwhelming number of teachers, who used technology, use it to contact parents, presentations, and develop electronic portfolios of students work. They concluded that teachers used it as a preparatory instrument, but not as a teaching tool (p. 189). But after all is said and done, what is the current hot topic? Online universities have sprung up but as Doyle (2009) explains online high schools and colleges that were supposed to be used almost exclusively never took off like the industry hoped for. Despite universities like University of Phoenix, founded in 1976, which took online classes to a new level, it has not been until recent years that a larger push for people to take classes while not on a college campus. Singh, Mangalaraj, and Taneja (2010) discuss not just online universities but online classes in general. Research shows that online classes can be as effective as traditional classroom-based courses when appropriate technologies are used and sufficient interactivity is present (p. 299). They talk about the benefits of different programs that are available to students and teachers in these online courses. Remarks about each, whether they are good or bad are included in each of their research tables. This perspective allows teachers to see what programs are being used, where to find them, and how they can be applied to their classrooms. Conclusion Many teachers fear of technology and the internet stems from either a lack of training or fear of the unknown. The articles discussed are a combination of the positives and negatives. Some mention the benefits that teachers have learned from and used in their individual classrooms while others talk about the struggles and lack of training teachers have received to learn the potential of the internet. And while teachers might have a mind set against the internet, some students use their cell phones to access not only the world wide web but to text others. Some even use the technology to an unsafe level of addiction to such materials. Technology is ever changing and if we expect our students to change, then teachers to learn and understand it. The degree to which teachers use the technology is something only they can decide. Technology is all around us. Subjectivity I have always been surrounded by technology. My father is a computer system engineer since before I was born. We always had a computer. It might not have been the newest but we could always learn how to work with technology. Once I started doing research in school, I went to our computer at home. But when I was in school, I still had to use physical books. Most teachers I had did not have email or use the internet at all. So most of my research started on our computer but ended in books. Now that I am in college I have seen how teachers change how they allow students to do their research. Writing a literature review today is made a lot easier as articles are being published online or copies of them made available. Using laptops, desktops, and my iPod to access my emails and library resources have allowed for the literature review to be compiled. Chapter 3 Introduction The purpose of this study is to determine to what extent the internet has changed teachers perspectives on students conduct research in their classrooms. This chapter lists the procedures for the study while talking about the sampling strategies used to solicit volunteers. It also includes the design, measurement and instrumentation, data collection, limitations, and data analysis. Research Questions These questions were ever changing. In the preliminary stages, articles were abundant and research questions were being revised on a daily basis. After completing the literature review, the following questions were finalized through careful scrutiny. How has research changed with the internet? What are the struggles that students face while doing research? And to what extent is the internet used in all aspects of the classroom? Procedures The focus of this phenomenological study is on teachers in the Northern Virginia area. Interviews will be conducted to analyze the significance the internet has had on how these teachers view it in regards to how their students conduct research. Sample The sample for this study will be four teachers in Northern Virginia. The teachers will come from various subject areas with a varied amount of teaching experience. Permission as been granted from Liberty High School, Bealeton, VA (Appendix B) and Kettle Run High School, Nokesville, VA (Appendix C). Teachers will not be solicited based upon gender. A mix of public and private schools will be used. Design The research design is a collection of answers based upon responses to interview questions. The questions will be grouped together and discussed in regards to the answer of all the subjects at the same time. Data Collection The data will be collected by individual interviews, recorded on a digital voice recorder, with each subject. See Appendix A for a listing of the interview questions. Interviews will be conducted both at the school of each subject, per approval from the principal (Appendix B C) as well as other locations as needed to facilitate the needs of each subject. Each participant will have signed a copy of the Informed Consent Form (Appendix D). Each interview will be transcribed into a document. Some data may also be collected by follow up interviews, email, and phone calls. The additional data will be transcribed as well. Copies of any additional information subjects are willing to provide will be attached as an appendix. Data Analysis The data will be analyzed for answers to specific questions and a summary of each answer will be included. Subjects will asked to correct any information collected upon being provided a copy of the transcript. After all the data is compiled, each subject will be provided with a copy of all interpretations and asked to give feedback. This is to be used a check for validity. Ethical Issues See Appendix E for Institutional Review Board forms. Monitoring Subjectivity To help keep track of any possible subjectivity in my research, I will be writing a journal entry, in a Word document for each day that I work on my research. I will include a copy of my journal entries as Appendix E after my research is complete. Validity Measuring validity can be a tricky subject. According to Maxwell (2005) the two main threats to validity are research bias and reactivity. Researcher bias can be addressed in several ways including keeping a journal of activities throughout the research process (appendix F). In reactivity, I will conduct my research in the most comfortable location for my subjects. Conducting the interviews away from a school setting is one method of reducing the influence the interviewer has. My main methods of checking validity will be to give each subject a copy of their interview transcript and to give each participant a copy of the final paper to check for inaccuracies of both. Implications/Significance/Contributions Implications in this research are that teachers have changed their ideas on research. If no changes exist with the changing technology, the implication that there is could be offensive to come teachers. Significance is that this research can prove technology and the internet has changed the way teachers allow students to conduct research. contribution is that a compilation of thoughts and changes that have been made, if any, could be invaluable to teachers and administrators as the this research will cover teachers of all years of teaching experience as well as across all subjects Limitations This study was a based in a single area of the United States and thus had a certain number of limitations. The findings of the study were limited to four teachers in Northern Virginia. The teachers were personally asked to participate in the study. Another limitation would be the number of years the teacher has been teaching. While it is part of the design it is a limitation based on the interaction of materials used in the classroom in recent decades. While public and private school teachers participated, home school teachers were not interviewed. This prevents from getting a possible perspective on a section of teachers that rely on technology and the internet in their classrooms heavily.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Essay --

Introduction There are two types of bacteria that cause Typhus, Rickettsia Typhi and Rickettsia Prowazekii. The form of Typhus depends on which type of bacteria has entered the body and caused the infection. Rickettsia Typhi causes Murine or Endemic Typhus. Endemic Typhus is unusual in the United States. When it is found, its usually seen in areas with poor hygiene and where the temperature is cold. Endemic typhus is sometimes called "jail fever." Murine Typhus typically occurs in the southeastern United States, often during the summer and fall. Risk factors for Murine Typhus include exposure to rat fleas or rat feces. Rickettsia Prowazekii causes both Epidemic Typhus and Brill-Zinsser disease. Brill-Zinsser disease is a far more mild form of Epidemic Typhus. It occurs when the disease re-activates in a person who was previously infected. It is more common in the elderly. Lice and fleas of flying squirrels spread the bacteria. There is no commercially available vaccine against either Endemic or E pidemic typhus. The name given the disease comes from the ancient Greek Typhus meaning smoky or hazy, denoting the condition of mind into which the victim soon lapses after developing his or her first symptoms. Symptoms of Murine or Endemic Typhus may include abdominal pain, backache, raging red rashes, an extremely high fever, hacking followed by a dry cough, headaches, nausea, vomiting and/or joint and muscle pain. Symptoms of Epidemic Typhus may include chills, confusion, Low blood pressure, stupor and/or sensitivity to light. Blood tests may show a low white blood cell count, anemia and low platelets. They may also show a high level of Typhus antibodies, low levels of albumin, low sodium levels and high liver enzymes. Typhus is often c... ...s of Typhus are limited, but the disease has the potential to re-emerge. For example, in Burundi, Africa refugee camps were afflicted in 1997-1998, when about half a million people received the illness. In China in 1999, more than five thousand six hundred people were afflicted following an earthquake. They were forced to live in poor, cold conditions making it the ideal place for a new breakout. In my opinion the United States should entirely rid itself of this disease, including all of the samples held in government labs to preserve as deadly war weapons. The government should also take necessary precaution all over the United States especially in shelters, habitually running tests and routinely ensuring the sanitization of shelters during a natural disaster. These preventive measures will almost guarantee the extermination of the disease in America all together.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Glass Menagerie Essays -- Literary Analysis, Tennessee Williams

Tennessee Williams’s character Amanda Wingfield, in The Glass Menagerie, is a bold and persuasive personality devoted to the past. Amanda was forsaken by her husband, and faced with raising two children alone during the great depression. Haunted by the rejection of her husband, she is determined to keep her children close. Even if keeping her children close means using guilt and criticism to manipulate every aspect of their lives. Amanda’s domineering behavior drove Mr. Wingfield away, and is now steering her son toward a similar escape. Amanda is an assertive and convincing individual, not afraid to take charge of any situation to insure the outcome undoubtedly complements her desires. She is continually reminding her son, Tom, of his obligation to support the family, and the security his job provides. Amanda considers a woman on her own in the 1930’s to be unusual, and is constantly pleading with Tom to remain in his stale job to insure her daughter, Laura, is taken care of until she is married and independent. While at the same time, extinguishing any hopes and dreams Tom has for his own future (1646; sc. 4). Amanda’s main goal is to find someone to care for her emotionally fragile daughter (1638; sc. 3). Perceived to be a nurturing mother, she uses guilt to guide the very existence of her children. Amanda is crippling her children emotionally by continually critiquing their eating habits, career paths, social behaviors, how they should dress, talk, and entertain (1632; sc. 1). Insisting that Tom’s behavior is too much like his father’s, she believes his actions are keeping him from being successful. While believing that badgering him to behave the way she expects, will make a difference. Amanda tells Tom that h... ...hildren about the parties in the South help to explain the dissatisfaction with her present way of life. She is hopelessly fated to remain unchanged, and destined to repeat the same mistakes that drove her husband away (1632; sc. 1). In the climatic scene when Amanda realizes that Jim is engaged to someone else, she lashes out at Tom. Assuming that he knew about Jim’s fiancà ©e, Amanda hatefully says, â€Å"don’t think about us, a mother deserted, an unmarried sister. Don’t let anything interfere with your selfish pleasure. Just go, go, go (1676; sc.7)†. Tom finally leaves. As a result of Amanda’s controlling nature, the Wingfield family collapses and Tom flees from his frustrated existence, but his escape does not give him the freedom he expects. He is forever tormented by Laura’s memory, just like Amanda is forever tormented by her long lost husband’s memory.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Little Women Essay -- Literary Analysis, Louisa May Alcott

â€Å"Captured the nuances that still move me to laugh and cry† (Delamar xiii). Louisa May Alcott is such a wonderful woman who was known not only as a great writer, but also a fighter for justice and advocate of human rights. No matter how many difficulties Louisa faced in her life, she had succeeded in achieving her dream. She wrote one of the greatest books of her era, Little Women. She participated in anti-slavery activities, and was a non-official feminist. She worked hard for fans and neither for fame nor money. Louisa May Alcott is example for all of the people in the world. Louisa May Alcott was born in a poor but full of love family. She grew up with the kindness of her father and loveliness of her mother. Louisa May Alcott’s father was a writer, and a great influence on her. Her mother was a pioneer in the women’s suffrage and abolitionist movement. Louisa showed interest in writing when she was the child. She used her father’s dictionary and philosophy book to study when no one saw (Delamar 3-5). Her family moved many times, and only when she got fourteen, she had her first personal room (Shealy xix). Louisa May Alcott and her three sisters got education at home by her father. In spite of her poor and hard life, she tried to overcome hardships. When Louisa May Alcott turned seventeen, she was such a beautiful woman, who was tall and charming. She had great blue eyes and brown hair. However, she would never get married because she thought that a woman could take care of herself without a man’s supports (Delamar 34). Because of her difficult life, she began to work at an early age. She worked as a governess, a seamstress, and a teacher. When she was fifteen, she taught some of her younger playmates. During her teaching and... ... appetite, and all her sicknesses teased her, she continued work. She was not able to write by her right hand, but she forced herself to learn how to write by her left hand. Louisa May Alcott worked on Jo’s Boys, and she knew that it would be her last story (Delamar 136). On March 4, Louisa May Alcott came to visit her sick father for the last time, and he died on that same day. Two days later, she followed her father without any regret. She left behind a wonderful work; all her books, letters and journals are part of American history (Matteson). In spite of hard life, she achieved everything she wanted. Louisa May Alcott is analogy of perfect and free woman. She proved that hard working can help to achieve dream. People read her book up till now. â€Å"One thing she gained was something she never dreamed of – Louisa May Alcott achieved immortality.† (Delamar 142).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Reasons Why the American Economy is in Recession

The condition of the economy of the United States is significant to consider as it measures the worldwide financial system. Since it is now in recession, this paper will discuss the nature of the said financial crisis, causes and its implications to the country and its people. In order to recognize the damaging effects of recession, this paper ultimately aims to have a clear discussion of the reasons why the American economy is in recession. Reasons Why the American Economy is in Recession IntroductionThe current global financial crisis has traced its roots and is apparently attributed to the significant economic collapse of one of the world’s powerful and established economies, which is that of the United States. In fact, the American economy, which is considered to be as a very influential and stable financial system, has now been regarded as the turning point of worldwide recession or which signals the eventual economic downturn of other countries. This is because the Ameri can economy evidently spells the potential outcome as far as the economies of other nations. Hence, when the U.S. economy is down, economies around the world are expected to be dragged simply because of their seeming reliance to the economic or financial structure of the former. While the recession of American economy has been noticeable for the past years, the U. S. government just recently made it official. This is for the reason that the country has appeared to just only have submitted to the problem and accepted the fact that it now needs the support of other countries particularly those whose economies can now survive on their own and are not directly affected by the American economy recession.Now, the U. S. and a large part of the world are faced with the most terrible economic catastrophe since the renowned The Great Depression. Hence, it is empirically essential to determine and analyze the reasons behind why the economy of a dominant nation such as the U. S. is now feeling the heat and damaging implications of recession. American economists and concerned authorities have normally credited the recession to the apparent bungled decisions and activities made to manage the economy’s money supply.However, there is still a need to dig deeper and search for other causes of the recession in order to come up with a clear and comprehensive presentation and study of the said economic concern. This action is primarily aimed at providing the public with an understanding of the nature, grounds and harmful effects of recession to the American economy as well as that of other countries and most importantly, in order to ultimately resolve the issue and find ways to prevent it occurring again in the future.Recession of American Economy, an Overview According to Cush (2008), lead developer of the Recession site, recession in the economic field normally refers to a condition where a nation’s gross domestic product or GDP obviously maintains a negative devel opment component in a span of approximately six months or around two successive quarters in minimum (Cush, 2008).Aside from the said general description, the authorized reviewer of downturns in the U. S. , which is called the National Bureau of Economic Research or NBER, characterizes recession as â€Å"a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production and wholesale-retail sales† (â€Å"The American Economy,† 2008).Based from the above descriptions, it is significantly obvious that the existing American recession has likely met the criteria and that its harmful implications are already being manifested within the country’s financial system and are visibly felt by people. Since the NBER has officially affirmed that the economy is in a slump status, the government and many sectors specifically those which are gravely affected are now try ing their best to appear less battered and emerge liberated when this economic condition is over.The economic condition of recession has afflicted the American economy since the eighteenth century. The various circumstances concerning the previous collapse in the economy included a disruption of trade and real estate markets, devastation of the shipping industry, crash of the banking system, unemployment, fall of the agricultural sector, slump in manufacturing, collapse of the stock market, monetary reduction, labor influx, inflation, tightening of monetary policy, oil price increase and even terrorist attacks.In particular, the current recession is caused by increasing oil costs which has resulted into escalating food prices and worldwide inflation, credit crisis which paved the way for bankruptcy and rising unemployment rate, all of which led to the growth of recession around the world (Cush, 2008). Additionally, the causes of recession are also a staunchly argued subject matter t hus Cush further stated that its primary reason is, in fact, the actions which were carried out in an apparent attempt to rule and influence the supply of money in the American economy.This is where the obligations or functions of the Federal Reserve were questioned and blamed because the actions taken turned out to be the reasons why the economy crushed. Beside this, it was also traced that even when the economy manifests temporary occurrences such as unstable oil costs and armed conflict, these factors also contribute to the eventuality of recession (Cush, 2008). Beyond the history and causes of recession, its implication is maybe the most inflicting element and which is the ultimate concern of a country and its people.Cush explained that while GDP growth exists, the gasping symptoms of recession become more evident in various sectors and fields such as those which were previously experienced by the American economy in past recession incidents. Worst, when the financial system is continued to be exposed and hit by lasting recession, the condition eventually results into economic depression (Cush, 2008). Reasons behind the RecessionIn order to attain a better understanding of this financially-induced predicament which struck and is continuously hitting the American economy, it is worthy to identify and acknowledge the underlying reasons behind why the country’s economy is in recession. To explain further the previously cited reason concerning the actions taken by the Federal Reserve apparently to manipulate the economy’s money supply, Cush made it clear that such factor was considered because it is the said financial entity which is in charge of keeping money supply and interest values stable while in a perfect balance with inflation (Cush, 2008).Cush further analyzed that when the Fed lost balance in this situation, the American economy was able to escape and compelled to rectify itself. This action was what specifically happened in 2007 when t he Feds’ financial policy of bringing in remarkable supply of money into the market made the interest rates lesser even if inflation remained. However, when the said action is mixed with loosen financial policies such as in lending structures just to be able to alleviate the borrowing of money, the activities within the financial system were not uphold which paved the way for the economy to reach a freezing point (Cush, 2008).Meanwhile, Richebacher (2006) generally said that for the U. S. , the fast and sharp deterioration in the increase of consumer spending is the initial or even crucial factor which caused the looming and led to the eventuality severe American recession. In an effort to evaluate the said economic condition and additional development possibilities of the American economy, Richebacher said that the initial and significant detail to consider is that the economic recovery of the country since the latter part of 2001 has been regarded as the weakest so far in t he entire postwar era.He added in particular that the inflation-adapted per hour and weekly compensations are evidently low nowadays as compared to the rate at the beginning of the economic resurgence in November of 2001 (Richebacher, 2006). Secondly, even if there is an inflation adjustment, the medium household earning plunged for the past five years and was even four percent less in 2004 as compared during 1999. Next is that the overall employment rate since the first quarter of 2001 is apparently up by 1. 9 percent while jobs in the private sector was placed at 1. percent. Ironically, while more jobs became more available, the unemployment rate turned out to be short for the primary reason that a significant number of Americans have yielded searching for their respective works (Richebacher, 2006).Additional and seemingly factors may also be considered as grounds which caused the American economic recession. These include the fact that employment growth has suddenly dropped for t he past months specifically from 200, 000 jobs in the early part of the year to only 75,000 jobs in the middle period.Another reason is that the employment increase is only felt or seen coming from the spurious businesses and which tried to suggest that there is a growth within small and new companies which were not taken in the payroll appraisal yet the truth is there is a slump among existing industries and organizations. Lastly, indebtedness in the private households rose by 70 percent which was coupled by a general improvement in actual not reusable individual income by 12 percent (Richebacher, 2006). Rise in Consumer SpendingAn awfully distorted GDP account which apparently showed an increase in American consumer spending of a record high of 5. 2 percent years ago was, in fact, only placed at 1. 3 percent. This is because people just confidently settled and focused on the bigger consumer spending rate without realizing that it should really be in a yearly figure hence a smaller rate. To be more specific, Richebacher revealed that the horrible reality about the sudden increase in consumer spending, which was manifested in the past years, has truly and efficiently damaged.However, Richebacher also noted the significant and abrupt weakening of consumer spending which he regarded as the decisive factor thus a serious American recession is now happening. With this, he commented that the strength of consumer spending in the coming years is reliant to the prospects of maximum cash-out credit refinancing as compared with increasing housing costs. Sadly, one does not need to be smart just to realize that what Richebacher said is absolutely impractical and unattainable nowadays and considering the current recession that the American economy is experiencing (Richebacher, 2006).Accelerating Credit Expansion Richebacher stated that by analyzing the rush in credit expansion, it is now suspected that the slowing down of American economy has something to do or related wi th the actions made by the Feds such as the rate hikes. In short, regardless of the decisions made by the Feds, the fact remains that the existing credit expansion remains to accelerate. This is where the economy is affected because the more credit expands it then results into less activity within the financial system if it has to be gauged by GDP (Richebacher, 2006).The nation failed to recognize and realize that an economy which is motivated by frenzy-based housing system, in turn, demands more credit and debt. This is because the economy initially requires intense borrowing in order to push the housing costs. In effect, heavy borrowing translated capital profits into cash. When this is joined with the current smallest or existing nil actual disposable revenue growth, the outcome is somewhat similar to a credit Moloch consuming credit and which bestowed less and less growth for the economy (Richebacher, 2006).Harmful Trade Deficit Another reason why the American economy is in rece ssion is the reality about trade deficit. This is because trade deficit fundamentally changed the structure of the U. S. economy in a negative manner. This condition was manifested in the failure of manufacturing industry which is a financial area that depicts the highest level of capital pattern hence could have also been the source of the highest level of growth in production.Hence, Richebacher imparted that the most significant issue to realize here is that the accrued surpluses in spending and debt in the American economy and its fiscal method for the past decade are the overall extent which surpassed the possibility of debt service from existing income (Richebacher, 2006). Inactive Debt Trap Richebacher said that in an economy with a dormant actual disposable income and which is coupled by a double-digit increase in debt; it is the end users who are led into a cruel debt trap.There is an accepted perspective that households financially prepare both to withstand any economy-rela ted problems and still carry on with an increased spending (Richebacher, 2006). However, Richebacher viewed that the most significant to consider the reality that people collect debts at a rate which obviously goes beyond their capacities of debt service when based from their existing income (Richebacher, 2006). Hence, the recession in the American economy is attributed with this fact that many have not resolved debt services and other debt-related concerns thereby injuring more and adding to the existing elements of economic recession.Crashing of Housing Cost Since the debt trap was not resolved or even addressed, the situation resulted into crashing of housing price. Richebacher presented three important features of this recession ground which included a situation wherein a busted house price definitely portrayed a lower instability of housing costs as well as the lower fluidity in housing markets. Next is that the crashing of housing cost exists for the past years and which is lo nger than the period when equity price was busted.Most importantly, the link between growth and breakage of the economy was, in fact, even more robust and solid in the housing category than equity costs (Richebacher, 2006). Ignored recession risk warning Apart from the concrete reasons given by Richebacher on why the American economy is now on recession, it is equally worthy to note that the said financial dilemma is also caused by the apparent neglect made by the country to an earlier warning. Judging from the previous years’ economic condition of the economy and the inevitable possibility of another round of recession, former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan already made a warning, even months before the financial crisis eventually materialized, that the country’s economy is likely heading into recession (cited in â€Å"Greenspan warns of U. S. recession risk,† 2007). Greenspan based his warning from the fact that the American economy has been deve loping at the start of 2000 and that there has been notable indications that the existing economic phase will eventually come to its end.He noted that when the economy reached the said cycle, there is the tendency that unwavering components will eventually enhance for a recession to happen again. Greenspan particularly cited as an example the stabilization of profit margins which is taken as a warning that the economy is in the ending phased of the development cycle hence recession is impending (cited in â€Å"Greenspan warns of U. S. recession risk,† 2007). Despite the warning made by a person who is in authority concerning the financial system, however, the country apparently ignored the caution made by Greenspan.In fact, he presented specific details which proved an imminent round of recession. Regardless of the Greenspan warning, the nation opted to regard the situation which provided more comfort and continued to relish a temporary economic growth. In doing so, it was un fortunate that the country is now again faced with a damaging financial crisis which effects could have been averted if only the warning was taken into consideration. ConclusionWhile it appeared to be inevitable for the country to suffer economic recession, its damaging implications could have been managed in a manner that the country and its people will emerge triumphant over a specific financial crisis. This condition can be made possible if only the grounds which caused the current downturn are effectively analyzed with an aim to draw out solutions. Nonetheless, this period is better to be taken as lesson to be learned.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Apple Board of Directors

Lydia Butler Board of Directors Apple A. Board of Directors 1. William V. Campbell Chairman Intuit, Inc. (external) 1983 Tim Cook CEO Apple (internal) 2011 Millard S. Drexler Chairman and Chief Executive Officer J. Crew (external) 1999 Albert Gore, Jr. Former Vice President of the United States (external) 2003 Andrea Jung Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Avon Products, Inc. (external) 2008 Arthur D. Levinson, Ph. D. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Genentech, Inc. (external) 1980 Ronald D. Sugar, Ph. D. Former Chairman and CEO Northrop Grumman Corporation (external) 2010 2. Members of the board do in fact own stock in Apple including Tim Cook who was given 1 million shares when he became CEO. 3. From research online I found that most Board members had a mix of both public and restricted stock depending on the person. 4. All of the board members are seasoned CEO’s of their own corporations, many of which have been the best of their expertise for decades and served on many other boards. 5. The year each member of the board joined is adjacent to their names. 6. Members of the board do not only â€Å"rubber stamp† management decisions but are also excited to use their talents and ideas to further better the company. For example, in his bio on Apple. com, it is stated about that Ron Sugar that: â€Å"In addition to having been the CEO of a high-tech Fortune 100 company, Ron has a Ph. D. in engineering and has been involved in the development of some very sophisticated technology. † CORPORATE GOVERNANCE A. Board of Directors 1. Who is on the board? Are they internal or external members? 2. Do they own significant shares of stock? 3. Is the stock privately held or publicly traded? Are there different classes of stock with different voting rights? 4. What do the board members contribute to the corporation in terms of knowledge, skills, background, and connections? If the corporation has international operations, do board members have international experience? 5. How long have members served on the board? 6. What is their level of involvement in strategic management? Do they merely rubber-stamp top management's proposals, or do they actively participate and suggest future directions? You have a good start here, but additional information and research would have been nice to see. Be sure to provide and cite your references. 80/100

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Anna Quindlen Essay

When you think great American author, many people think of Anna Quindlen. She won many awards. They include but are not limited to a Pulitzer and two Clarion Awards. She is an older sister and a daughter, as well as a wife and mother. Anna Quindlen has published many, many literary works, including novels, children’s books, nonfiction works, columns, and new table pictorials. This woman is not only an author, but she is a role model and hero to some, having accomplished her dreams with great dignity and grace. Anna Quindlen was not always Anna Quindlen the famous author. First, she was Anna Marie Quindlen, the oldest of five children in Philadelphia, and later on, New Jersey. She has one sister and three brothers, all of which are younger than she is, her sister being the youngest of the five. When Anna was nineteen, her mother, an italian woman, died of ovarian cancer at age fourty. She uses that experience in much of her writing, such as â€Å"A Short Guide to a Happy Life.† This left her with only her father, and Irish man, as most of the characters in her books such as â€Å"Object Lessons’ are. Since she was a teenager, Anna Quindlen has been a feminist, and although her reasoning has changed quite a bit, she still remains one. Anna currently is married to a man named Gerald Krovatin and has three children. They all live in New York City. This incredible woman has written and published four best-selling novels. They are â€Å"Object Lessons,† â€Å"One True Thing,† â€Å"Black and Blue,† and â€Å"Blessings.† â€Å"Black and Blue’ was made into a movie as well as â€Å"One True Thing†. Anna also has three collection of her colums published. They consist of â€Å"Living Out Loud,† â€Å"Thinking Out Loud,† and â€Å"Loud and Clear.† She also wrote about her own personal experiences in â€Å"A Short Guide to a Happy Life, â€Å"Being Perfect,† and â€Å"Imagined London.† â€Å"Being Perfect† is a national bestseller as well as â€Å"A Short Guide to a Happy Life.† She was a columnist for the New York Times from 1981 to 1994, and 1990 was a big year for her. In that year she was given the title of the third woman in New York Times history to write a column for the Op-Ed page. In 1995 Anna became a full-time book writer and left her column and journalism. In 1992, Ms. Quindlen won a very honorable prize. In the category of Commentary, Anna Quindlen won a Pulitzer Prize. However, she did not stop there . She went on to win a Mothers At Home Media Award in 2001, and two Clarion Awards. The first, in 2001 for Best Regular Opinion Column in a magazine, and the second in 2002 for Best Opinion Column from the Association for Women in Communications. Annna has received honorary doctorates from Moravian College, Smith College, Denison University, Stevens Institute of Technology, and Mount Holyoke College. She was also give the University Medal of Excellence from Columbia. Ms. Quindlen was also a Victoria Fellow in Contemporary Issues at Rutgers, a Poynter Fellow in Journalism at Yale, and a Fellow of the Academy of Arts & Sciences. These things, among others, are what set her apart from others, and she has something to show for her achievements. And so Anna Quindlen accomplished more emotionally than any other woman on Earth. She was the third woman to write a certain column for the New York Times, and a best-selling author at the same time. As a role model for women everywhere, Anna Quindlen went from being little Anna Marie Quindlen to the great woman she is now. Her words have allowed the people of the twenty-first century to make great life choices and love people for who they are. Anna is thanked and revered for as long as she is remembered, which will definetly be for years and years to come.